Monday 17 February 2020

What's imoprtant when raising a dog

Food and Nutrition: Proper nutrition is the most important factor in dog care.

An adult dog needs 2-1 meals a day, while puppies need a larger number of small meals. At the age of 12-6 weeks, the puppy should be fed 6-4 times a day, and 6-3 months - 4-3 times a day.

 Dry food is an ideal solution, as it has been carefully designed to contain the right amount of all required nutrients.

There are plenty of dog food available in pet stores, in a variety of flavors, colors and shapes. It is important to consult the seller or a qualified person (veterinarian, animal welfare activist and other animal welfare associations) regarding the type of food, and most importantly - be careful not to purchase defective food. Cheap food is considered to be of lesser quality, does not contain all the important nutrients, and over time can harm dog health.

 We can treat our dogs to a number of dogs, or a portable dog hairdresser that comes up to you, this is like a dog spa and our dogs deserve a treat too.

 Dogs get used to one type of food, and tend to prefer one type over changes and shades. Therefore, you should not try to diversify your dog food by changing the type of food news to mornings. To know what the dog likes, you can bring several types of food in the first few days, put it in front of the dog in different bowls, and see what he chooses. You do not need to purchase complete packaging for this. Animal stores will be happy to give you samples of the various companies' products.

 The dog's menu can be varied using moist dog food. However, since this food is unbalanced in terms of its composition, it should be used only as a supplement and not as a main diet. It is important to follow a feeding routine to ensure that you meet your needs on a regular basis, usually shortly after dinner. The dog must be fed at regular intervals and at the same place, taking care to clean the food and water.

 You shouldn't get used to feeding your favorite dog food scraps. Giving snacks between meals, and especially while family members are eating, not only breaks the routine that is so important for the dog, but also upsets him to ask for food and bother the diners.

In addition, home-cooked food does not meet all of the dog's nutritional needs. There is no need for this, but if very desired, about 15% to 10% of the food can be substituted for rice, cooked vegetables, bread and meat. And by the way, contrary to what one thinks, a dog will also eat live meat and not become aggressive because of it. So if you do on fire from time to time - you can throw bones aside ...
However, it is very important not to give your dog chicken or fish bones that are easily broken and can severely injure his digestive system.

Special dog snacks can be used for positive training and positive reinforcement when the dog is doing a desired action or avoids doing an unwanted act.

You should also avoid giving dogs potatoes, legumes, milk, spicy or savory foods, sweets, onions, fruit with a kernel and uncooked eggs.

 Bathing: Dogs are not sweating like humans, so they should not be washed as often. Their furs are covered with a thin oily layer, which gives it the sheen and rich, full shade. Frequent bathing will damage the oily layer. However, since the dog is a domestic animal, it is sometimes necessary to wash it. As a matter of principle, it is not recommended to wash a dog more than once a month. Use special dog shampoo, and by no means detergents intended for humans. The hair conditioner is not for the dog's fur, it will only hurt!

Dog Ramps: When your dog gets tired, it very difficult for him to walk or run in the house and he might be doing damage to the furniture. That's why you need a good dog ramp that will ease th dog's life and make hus life much better. Dog ramps are not expensive - between 30-40$, not much for amazing benefits.

Spray: It is important to spray the dog against ticks and parasites. In summer, spray once a week, in winter you can spray once every two weeks. It is important to be careful about pest control! Parasites transmit diseases and may even kill your dog.

Brushing: It is important to keep the dog fur by brushing it. Dogs love brushing and realize that treatment is beneficial to them. In order not to hurt the dog, it is important to purchase a suitable brush that will not scrap the dog or hurt it. The brushing is brushing off the hair that is about to fall out, thereby strengthening the hair that remains - and you save yourself unnecessary dirt and the tedious collection of hair from the sofa and the living room.

And a final tip - write down your phone number on the necklace that wears your beloved dog's neck. If the dog gets lost, the starting point is knowledge of who to turn to.

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